The Gospels Of The John

The Gospel of John presents Jesus as the Incarnate Word of God, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. (John 1:1). Jesus openly declares Himself as a Son of God and to have Eternal Life one most believe in Him. John is the Gospel of “Eternity” and its focus is on Christ Divinity. The Gospel of John tells us “WHO” Jesus is, as opposed to the other gospels that tell us what Jesus “SAID and DID”. John discloses in his gospel how Christ predates “Time and Creation”. This description of Christ makes John’s gospel distinct from the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. John explains that Christ was a “co-creator” with His Father. This refutes those who teach that Christ wasn’t with God in the Beginning of the Creation. John opens his Gospel by saying, “The Same was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.” (John1:2,3) One of the early Church Fathers, Clement of Alexandria, said “Themes like Christ Pre-Existence, His Incarnation, His Divinity, and Eternal Life makes this Gospel appear like a much more “spiritual” gospel because of the deep insight regarding Jesus Divinity. In the Gospel of John, we read the beautiful listing of the Seven “I AM’s” of Jesus. This passage has brought comfort to many Christians during trouble times. For example, the parable of the True Vine, is a vivid and realist example that always reminds us that, “Apart from Jesus we can’t do Nothing”. This parable is well explained in this Gospel, and it is to our advantage to understand and apply its Teaching Principles. In the Gospel of John, we will share with you the four “M’s” …“The Mystery, The Message, The Mandate and The Messenger”. Each of these 4 Spiritual Principles with be explained within the context of…”Christ…the Son of the Living God’.